Instagram TikTok Contact Me daylilystainedglass I did my first set of shipped orders recently! Two All set up and ready for Christmas in July! Come s This is everything I’ll have for sale this Satur I’ve wanted to make a Kirby since I first starte So excited about how this Kirby commission turned I’ll be at @kismetmarketrva Christmas in July! I We love a customer photo ✨It’s always so excit Happy National Doughnut Day! Throwback to my very I had so much fun making this iridescent rose for This glass looks like a completely different piece What color should I make next? #stainedglass #sta Alexa, play Neon by John Mayer #stainedglass #st I’ve been trying to think of a clever caption fo Love making this lil peony design 💕 #stainedgl It was cloudy when I recorded the video for my ree I was a little nervous when my friend Alex asked m Got some really cool glass for Christmas. Here are Made this glass of red wine for my mother in law a Made this little flower for my fave tattooer @lost Load More Follow on Instagram